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Jim Crow laws

(Encyclopedia) Jim Crow laws, in U.S. history, statutes enacted by Southern states and municipalities, beginning in the 1880s, that legalized segregation between blacks and whites. The name is…

Brewer's: Jim Crow

Brought out at the Adelphi in 1836. The character of Jim Crow played by T. D. Rice, as the original of the “nigger minstrels” since so popular. A renegade or turncoat is called a Jim Crow…

crow, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) crow, partially migratory black bird, genus Corvus, of the same family as the raven, the magpie, the jay, and the rook and the jackdaw of Europe. The American, or common, crow, C.…

Plessy v. Ferguson

(Encyclopedia) Plessy v. Ferguson, case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896. The court upheld an 1890 Louisiana statute mandating racially segregated but equal railroad carriages, ruling that…

Murray, Anna Pauline "Pauli"

(Encyclopedia) Murray, Pauli, 1910–1985, American lawyer, priest, and activist, b. Baltimore, S.J.D. Yale University, 1965, MDiv, General Theological…

Jim Jarmusch

Independent filmmaker Jim Jarmusch began his career with critical acclaim for his 1984 feature Stranger Than Paradise. He grew up in a suburb of Akron, Ohio, and earned his undergraduate degree from…

Jim Webb

Name at birth: James Henry Webb, Jr.Navy veteran Jim Webb is a former United States senator from Virginia and a Democrat running in the presidential election of 2016. He grew up in a military family…

Freedom Riders

(Encyclopedia) Freedom Riders, American civil-rights demonstrators who engaged (1961) in nonviolent protests against segregation of public interstate buses and terminals in the South. From the 1940s…


(Encyclopedia) birdsong. Song, call notes, and certain mechanical sounds constitute the language of birds. Song is produced in the syrinx, whose firm walls are derived from the rings of the trachea,…

Black Crowes

By Your SideColumbia After a brief fling with psychedelia and a typically relentless run of roadwork, The Black Crowes get back to the basics on the hard-charging and hot-rockin' By Your Side…